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Community Mental Health Drug and Alcohol Research Network (CMHDARN) offers a wide range of resources to build the capacity of individuals and organisations in the mental health and alcohol and other drugs sectors to undertake practice-based research.

The resources featured here are designed to promote the exchange of ideas, provide knowledge and support research capacity in these sectors


What is Participatory Research?

Do you want to do participatory research with people with lived experience, but you’re feeling lost in the sea of different terms used to describe participatory research? We want to help you to understand the different levels of research participation. This video provides a short explanation of the different levels of participation in research.

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WEBINAR: ‘Unpacking the Annual Overdose Report with the Penington Institute’

The webinar features CMHDARN and the Penington Institute discussing the findings of the Penington Institute’s Annual Overdose Report and why the data is important for community-managed/non-government mental health and drug and alcohol service providers.

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Why Surveys?

Workers often feel that conducting surveys with people accessing their service is just a ‘tick-a-box’ activity to collect data for compliance measures or reporting to funding bodies.

We have developed this poster to highlight the benefits and helpful ways that data collection tools can be used in your service. 

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Co-design Kickstarter

A short guide to get started, and become more familiar with co-design research.

Developed in partnership with: CMHDARN, University of Technology Sydney, University of New South Wales, Black Dog Institute, Consumer Led Research Network, inside out & associates australia & Northern Sydney LHD

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WORKSHOP: Co-design Kickstarter

CMHDARN presents a fantastic workshop with Bradley Foxlewin, Brett Bellingham, Emma Elder, Dr Grenville Rose, A/Prof Jo River, and Kath Thorburn to discuss and unpack all things co-design research

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Co-production Kickstarter

The Kickstarter is a co-produced short guide to get started, and become more familiar with co-production research.

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Acknowledgement Matters: A Guide to Lived Experience Engagement

This resource aims to provide guidance on payment and remuneration of people with lived experience who participate in research, or are in identified co-researcher roles.

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WEBINAR: Example of Excellence – Showcasing the Community Restorative Centre

Hear from the team at the Community Restorative Centre’s Research and Advocacy Unit, sharing insights from their work, and discussing how they prioritise research in the NGO setting. A fantastic case example that quality research can be achieved in the NGO and CMO sectors.

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WORKSHOP: Ethics & Lived Experience in Research

CMHDARN presents a fantastic workshop with Jo Farmer to discuss and unpack all things ethics when collaborating with people with lived experience in research, both as participants and as co-researchers

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